Some scenarios might warrant updating the link of an eJournal course to a different LMS course. We start this process within eJournal, removing the current course LMS link. Then we switch to the LMS to establish a new link to eJournal for your course of choice.
- Navigate to the eJournal course
- Open the 'Manage Course' page
- Open the 'Danger Zone' tab
- Click on 'Remove integration'
Note that if there are assignments inside course, they will no longer send grade updates to the (now unlinked) LMS course
- Navigate to the LMS course
- Within this course, navigate to eJournal
- You should see a screen asking you to link a course or create a new one
- Note that you will not see this screen if there are no courses you can link to. If the course already exists on eJournal make sure you are a participant of that course with at least the "can add assignment" permission
- Click on connect to an existing course
- Select the new eJournal course