It is possible to define multiple types of activities which students are expected to fulfil as part of their portfolio.
You can add predefined activities via the 'New activity' button in the timeline.
An entry deadline is used when you want students to submit an entry using a specific template before a deadline.
This type of deadline contains the following content:
Sometimes it makes sense to assign students to work collaboratively on an entry. Any students that are assigned to collaborate on an entry share ownership of that entry, and any feedback you provide to that entry will also be shared by its collaborators if you so choose.
If you want to use this workflow, you can configure this by enabling 'Collaboration' under the instructions tab of the entry deadline.
Once you have enabled collaboration for this entry deadline, a new new 'Collaboration' tab appears above the instructions.
Here you have the ability to assign students to so called collaboration groups. You have three options on how to assign collaboration groups:
A progress goal is used to indicate the point target that should be achieved by a certain date. For example, you can require students to collect 10 points during the first year, and another 10 during the second year. When a progress goal is not met, the student can still continue to work on their journal.
Such a deadline contains the following content:
A self-reflection activity is used to ask students to reflect on certain parts of their journal. Configuring the activity consists of two steps:
The first step is to provide instructions for the activity, the second step is to go through the review settings.
The review settings govern what content is part of the activity, what permissions are granted for the activity, and whether a rubric should be used.
The first step of the review settings is to select what portfolio content should be part of the self-reflection activity:
By default, the entire portfolio (all of its content) is included. It is possible to use all content selection criteria to pick the relevant evidence for the reflection. The following factors determine whether an entry is included:
The second step is to configure the comment and anonymization settings, and the third step involves rubric configuration.
A peer feedback activity is used to ask students to provide feedback on a certain aspect of one or more portfolios.
The configuration of a peer feedback activity consists of three steps:
Step 1 and 2 need to be completed before step 3 (assigning reviewers) becomes available.
When a student inspects an activity, the first thing they are presented with are the instructions.
The review settings of a peer feedback activity consists of three parts: content selection criteria, comment and anonymization settings, and rubric configuration.
The content selection criteria determine which entries of a portfolio are included a peer feedback activity.
By default, the entire portfolio (all of its content) is included in the peer feedback activity.
It is possible to mix and match all content selection criteria. Whether an entry is included is determined as follows:
If the answer is yes to both questions the portfolio content will be included in the peer feedback activity.
Quickly view which activities are included in the peer feedback activity When a peer feedback activity is selected, all related activities in the timeline are highlighted with the purple background.
You can specify which categories should be reviewed as part of this activity here.
Each student will be asked to provide a reflection/feedback on each of these categories.
It is possible to provide a rubric to help students structure their feedback during a feedback activity. If no rubric is selected, students can still comment on the journal entries that are part of the review activity, as well as leave textual overall feedback.
You can configure when feedback should be shown to the journal author, and whether reviews should be anonymized.
Once the feedback activity has been added to the timeline, it possible to assign reviewers.
Reviewers can be assigned manually or automatically. Manual assignment allows you to choose who should review whom exactly as you would wish. However, generally it makes sense to make use of the automatic assignment functionality. This works as follows:
Once some students are allocated, it is no longer possible to perform automatic allocation.
In the screenshot above Student 1 is assigned to Student 2 and 3, where the review to student 3 has already started.
Milestones can be used by students to define personal goals.
To enable milestones, students need access to a template containing a milestone field. It is up to you whether this should be in the form of an entry deadline, a template, or entirely free form.
Users with the "can grade" permission can change the deadline settings for an activity for students individually or all students in a group at the same time. Once changed, only these new deadline settings will be used for actions like locking the activity and sending notifications.
To override deadlines, go to the activity in the assignment editor and click on "Override deadlines for groups and users.". Here you can view the current deadlines for each group of students or a student individually. Click on the pencil icon on the right to change the deadline settings for the whole group or view and alter the deadline settings of each student individually by clicking on the group.
To set or change the deadline for a specific student, you can navigate to the student's activity and click on "Add deadline exemption" in the dropdown settings.
After changing the deadline settings, an indication will be added to the activity details:
The comment section within the content of a journal is a great way for students to ask questions or to further discuss their work. An example is shown below:
A comment section exists at the bottom of every journal content.
Currently, comments cannot be disabled.
For using comments there are various tips and tricks you know about, here we will go over each.
To ask for feedback from someone who already has access, you can notify them by mentioning them in a comment under an activity. Type "@" and search for the user you would like to mention. They will receive a notification once you post the comment.
It is possible for a user to record audio directly and post this as a comment.
A user can upload additional files allongside their comments.
The comment section is not meant to further expand on the content of a journal content. For example, when content would not fit the entry template.