The shown months represent when the updates were released to production. New releases and changelogs are available on the first Monday of each month.
Features & updates
- Various Performance Improvements: We have optimized multiple areas this month, making it faster to view collections and dashboards, ensuring a smoother and more responsive experience. ๐โก
Minor changes
- Improved External Video Display: External videos are now shown in a dedicated video frame, allowing you to collapse them or open them in a new tab for a more flexible viewing experience. ๐ฅ๐
- Programme Context in Course Overview: The admin panelโs course and programme overview now displays which programme a course belongs to, improving visibility and navigation. ๐ซ๐
- Hidden 'Use Rubric' Button When No Rubrics Available: The 'Use Rubric' button is no longer shown when requesting feedback if no rubrics are available, reducing unnecessary options. ๐๏ธโ
- No More Mandatory 'Teacher' Role in Courses: The requirement for a course to have at least one user with the 'Teacher' role has been removed, allowing for greater flexibility in course management. ๐ซ๐
- Restricted Deletion of Linked Feedback Requests: Requested feedback can no longer be removed once it has been linked in another collection. ๐๐ซ
- Plagiarism-Checked Drafts Can Now Be Deleted: Students can now delete draft entries even if they have already been scanned for plagiarism, offering more control over their work. ๐๐๏ธ
- Alphanumeric Ordering for Category Groups: Category groups are now ordered alphanumerically, ensuring a more logical and consistent display. ๐ข๐
- Improved Context for Content Reuse: Course and programme context is now displayed when specifying from which sources existing content can be reused, making selections clearer. ๐๐
Features & updates
- Introduction of Category Groups: Category groups can be used to help organize categories or highlight connections between them. It is not possible to provide feedback directly on these groups, as subcategories and category levels already offer sufficient tools (and complexity) to shape most learning objectives. ๐โจ
- Expanded Content and Feedback Workflow Settings: Additional settings have been added to the collection template settings under the 'Students can add...' section, enabling greater customization of content and feedback workflows: โ๏ธ๐
- Existing content
- The setting 'Copy formal feedback when students reuse content' has been relocated to this section.
- Verbal feedback
- Two new settings have been added: 'Allow general feedback' and 'Allow category feedback'.
- Self reflection
- Added two settings, 'Allow general feedback' and 'Allow category feedback'.
- Sharing
- A share toggle has been added to control whether content within the collection template can be shared.
- Additionally, two settings now control the default behavior for 'Allow general feedback' and 'Allow category feedback' during the sharing workflow of a collection. These defaults can be overridden by users.
Minor changes
- Improved Rubric Selection for Feedback: You can now select any rubric whilst giving feedback, whilst before you could only select rubrics that matched the feedbackmethod of the previous evaluation that was assigned. ๐ฏ๐
- If the feedbackmethod of the rubric does not match the current feedback form's evaluation, the evalation is removed from the form.
- Updated Terminology: Renamed the option 'Use as starting point' to 'Copy as your own feedback'
- Reorganized Feedback Workflow Settings: The 'Feedback workflows' section in collection template settings has been split into two sections for better clarity:
- Formal Feedback: Contains settings specific to formal feedback only.
- The already existing settings 'Allow reviewers to provide general feedback' and 'Allow reviewers to provide custom category feedback' are now specific to formal feedback workflows.
- Feedback workflows: contains the remaining settings.
- Various Performance Improvements: We have made various performance improvements, these affect (amongst others) the collection overview, collection view, and collection template editor. ๐
- Enhanced Bulk Course Link Spreadsheets ID Options: ID types 'afkorting' and 'abbreviation' are now accepted in bulk course link spreadsheets, aligning with our updated documentation. Note that while 'abbr' remains supported, its use is no longer recommended. ๐โจ
- Editable Programme Abbreviation: The abbreviation for a Programme can now be modified directly within its settings menus, offering greater flexibility in programme management. โ๏ธ๐
- Profile Picture Updates for Brightspace Students: Brightspace students can now change their profile picture directly within eJournal, making it easier to personalize their profiles. ๐ธ๐
- Enhanced Token Emails: The token request form now includes a username or email indication to simplify user identification and access. ๐๐ง
- Improved Ouriginal Plagiarism Check: When a file is too large, additional information is now provided during the Ouriginal plagiarism check, helping users better understand file size limitations. ๐โ ๏ธ
- Dual-Language Onboarding Emails: New users with an unknown language preference will now receive emails in both Dutch and English, ensuring clarity and inclusivity. ๐ณ๐ฑ๐ฌ๐ง
- OneDrive Integration Improvements: Improved the indication of OneDrive files and errors of popups being disabled. โ๏ธ๐ง
Features & updates
- Reviewer Details: Reviewer names are now displayed alongside their roles in user and collection dashboards for better clarity. ๐๐ฅ
- For anonymized peer feedback activities, the reviewerโs name will be simply shown as โAnonymizedโ for performance reasons. ๐โก
- Locked Collections: When a collection is submitted, it is no longer able to receive feedback through feedback requests, peer feedback, or self reflections. ๐๐
- Locked Peer Feedback: When a peer feedback activity has received a formal assessment, the student can no longer receive or give feedback from that peer feedback activity. ๐ฅ๐
Minor changes
- Login Emails: Emails containing login tokens now include the token's expiration date for clarity. โณ๐ง
- Improved Search: Inactive users no longer appear in autocomplete suggestions, such as when searching for a reviewer to share a collection. ๐๐ซ
- Rubric Radar Update: Axis labels on the rubric radar have been replaced with labels directly on the data points, improving readability and clarity. ๐๐
- Admin Tooltips: The 'Link Courses' feature in the admin panel under 'Courses & Programmes' has been enhanced with additional tooltips to explain the functionality in more detail. ๐ ๏ธ๐ก
- Feedback Overlap Handling: When feedback points overlap on the rubric radar, hovering over them now reveals all overlapping points, similar to other visualizations. Clicking a point displays the list of feedback activities contributing to the average for that role. ๐ฏ๐ฌ
- Enhanced Teacher Entry Import: Teacher entry import via spreadsheet now supports both a username and an email column. ๐ค๐
- Collaboration activity workflow changes: ๐ค๐
- Students can no longer begin working individually on a planned collaborative entry activity if the teacher has not yet formed the collaboration groups. Previously, this would create conflicts once the teacher assigned the groups. ๐ซ๐ฉโ๐ซ
- It is no longer possible to provide formal feedback on a planned collaboration activity that has not yet been started. ๐๐ฌ
- It is no longer possible to comment on a planned collaboration activity that has not yet been started. ๐ญโ
- Additional User Information Display: You can now view additional user information by hovering over the user's name in the collection Access & Feedback tab ๐ฑ๏ธโน๏ธ
- Display date of re-used feedback: Feedback or self reflections that have been re-used from another collection now show the original feedback date in the timeline / table of contents. Previously the date when it was re-used was shown.
Features & updates
- Added the ability to bulk link courses with a programme by spreadsheet in the Admin Panel.
- It is now possible to provide feedback when adding teacher entries
- It is now possible to bulk add teacher entries via spreadsheet
- We have moved the submit collection button to the introduction page of a collection. Because the submit collection button was always visible, also when working an entry, the old placement resulted in some students submitting their collection by accident instead of just the entry they were working on, despite ample warning. We believe the new placement on the introduction of a collection will eliminate this confusion.
Minor changes
- Added an instance setting that allows instances to opt-in to exposing user's email addresses in autocomplete searches to help in cases where multiple user's with the same name exist
- The full name of group members is now available when exporting a course's or programme's groups
- Role and permission names are now sticky and will remain visible when scrolling in the role and permission editor
- We have removed the labels from average score by role graphs which previously showed the exact nominal values that underpin the height of each bar. You can still hover over each bar to view a more meaningful representation of their value
- When syncing an instance role it will now also sync its name to any of its children, before this change it only synced its permission set
- Submitting a collection which will become locked after submission now requires a confirmation prompt
- We have split the permission 'can edit role' into 'can edit role' and can edit user role
- 'Can edit role' is used to change or create a role and it's permission set within a course a programme
- 'Can edit user role' grants users the right to change the role assignment of a user within a course or programme
- Admins can now view the creation date of an account in the user overview tab of the admin panel
- Admins can now convert external accounts to internal account in the user overview tab of the admin panel
- Admins can now choose to either display category feedback statistics as a scatterplot or a line graph
- Admins can now delete entries that are undeletable by students
- Superusers can now delete entries that are undeletable by students.
- Added an indication that converting a file to PDF to view it directly in the browser may result in a different view than the original
- Added the ability to edit verbal feedback after it has been approved
- Added an instance level setting to enable the deletion of entries that have been scanned for plagiarism
Features & updates
- Added the number of unique reviewers to dashboards. This should help in getting a first impression of how many different perspectives have contributed feedback
- New approach to displaying feedback in the content overview. Any fulfilled feedback requests on one individual piece of content are no longer shown as separate content in the content overview by default. Instead, such feedback can be accessed via the activity on which the feedback was requested. All content will display the number of related fulfilled feedback requests as a badge in the content overview
- Institutions that want to opt-out from this new workflow can do so via an instance level setting (feature flag) on request via eJournal support
- Added the ability for content developers to copy direct links that redirect students to a scheduled activity within their own collection
- Submitting peer feedback to a collection that has been submitted for assessment is no longer blocked as some existing workflows relied on this behaviour. This should be seen as a grace period, because next month this behaviour will be blocked once again
Minor changes
- Default rubrics now open automatically
- Automatically open rubrics when no category level feedback is available in a feedback form or assessment
- Added an instance level setting to enable the deletion of entries that have been scanned for plagiarism
- The rubric editor will now add levels to new criteria based of any compatible earlier criterion
- The category deadline count in the dashboard is now hidden if deadlines are set for the category. Previously these were displayed as
- The amount of feedback forms related to each entry is now shown in the table of contents / timeline
- Added an instance setting aimed towards displaying the full names of users in a more uniform fashion. The exact details vary per LMS or SSO provider, but the goal of this setting is to display names as [first name] [last name]
- Added an indicator of whether an assessment should be treated as 'sufficient' to the instance assessment export
- Dashboard graphs using a rubric radar visualization now display the name of the grading option on hover
- Dashboard graphs that display an average score histogram now display the name of the grading option on hover
- Dashboard graphs using a rubric radar now use a gradient to more easily visually match the labels to other subcategories
- Feedback requests that invite a test student by auto completion will now invite the actual test student, rather than the actual teacher account
- Note that invites via email will still invite the teacher account, since the email address of a test student and teacher account are shared, the system has no way to discern the two and will invite the real user (the teacher)
- The collection overview assessment export will now also export the (general) feedback part of the assessment
- Ouriginal view of plagiarism results is now opened in a modal
- Changing grading scheme from or to narrative feedback now allows grade translation like all other grading schemes
- Allow users to login via a one time password based on their email address when possible (rather than always requiring a username)
- Allowed content developers to disable the verbal feedback on a collection template
- Disabled the ability to change full name in the profile page when connected with an LMS or SURFConext
- Added the ability for admins to disable user accounts
- Some visual improvements to the entry version dropdown
- Improved the performance of the members page in the course manager
- Improved category analytics display of multiple datapoints in a day
- When role synchronisation is locked, it now also no longer removes the user from the course
- Added the ability for admins to export collection assessments from a specific time period
- Other small textual and visual improvements
Features & updates
- Updated terminology for various concepts to better reflect portfolio and programmatic assessment objectives
- Journal -> Collection
- Journal assessment -> Collection assessment
- Assignment -> Collection template
- Grade -> Evaluation
- Assessment -> Feedback
- Formal assessment -> Formal feedback
- Gradingscheme -> Feedback method
- Added collections display to course and programme dashboard
- Added the ability for admins to self-manage Onedrive integration
- Added the ability for adminstrators to set which video hosting platforms are available for their institute
- You can can now filter evidence templates when adding new content
- Todo actions shown on collection (template) cards were shown a little too eagerly causing performance issues
- Todo actions are no longer shown on the home page
- The loading of Todo actions requires the card to be viewed for more than one second, this was done to prevent users who were simply navigating the app from fetching all Todos unnecessarily
- Admins can now map LTI roles to custom eJournal roles
Minor changes
- Expanded translations in previously untranslated areas, mostly error handling and PDF exports
- Reviewers are now automatically requested to give feedback on the related categories when requesting feedback on an (single) activity
- The workflow setting that automatically selects ungraded entries when visiting a studentยดs journal will no longer be enabled for new users by default
- Improved clarity when sharing journal content
- Added the ability to disable course/programme member role synchronisation with the LMS
- Some improvements to video host configurations
- Added UbiCast to video host
- Evidence template's video field is now hidden when all video providers are disabled
- Video host dropdown selection only shows enabled video hosts
- Added an option to disable a group's synchronisation with the LMS
- Added the ability to remove all members from a course or programme group in one action
Features & updates
Minor changes
- You can now view all of your feedback requests related to a specific course or programme from the respective course or programme page
- Categories and subcategories are now visually distinguished by an icon
- Added the ability to switch to a full screen display when viewing eJournal from inside an LMS. This is especially useful for those of you working from within an LMS assignment where screen space can be limited on some LMS variants.
- Added the ability copy multiple assignments from the same course or programme at the same time
- Students can now create and add a pesonal category to an entry from within the same flow as adding a new category to that entry
- When reusing content, you can now base your selection on one or more categories
- Planned feedback activities (such as a self reflection or peer feedback activity) now require the related activities to be explicitly configured
- Improved the assignment delete options:
- We have more clearly separated the removal of an assignment from a specific course and deleting it. When you remove an assignment from a course it is still available from any other linked course.
- Added hints about why a deletion / removal action is disabled for the assignment
- The dropdown to link a course to a programme is now searchable
- Removed beta tag for collaboration functionality
- Criterion descriptions now support advanced styling allowing for images and more
- Improved group synchronization error handling
- Added the ability to remove LTI settings when removing the LMS integration
- Added the ability to filter category level feedback holistically in the journal dashboard
Features & updates
Minor changes
- Teachers will now continue receiving comment notifications if intermediate supervision is disabled but they have been granted partial access to the comment via share request
- Entry submissions in a non-supervised journal no longer submit for plagiarism scans, and instead will be scanned when the journal is submitted for assessment
- Added support for Brightspace sections. These are now synchronized alongside other groups
- Added C# code highlighting when displaying code files
- Added assignment name to journal assessments in dashboards
Features & updates:
- The user and journal dashboard now displays categories grouped by source such as the course a programme where the categories were defined
Minor changes:
- Added support for Brightspace sections. These are now synchronized alongside other groups.
- Admins now have more control over the email support workflows
- The settings in the admin panel under 'Edit Instance' have been reorganised into more logical settings groups
- Improved the hints eJournal provides when LMS grade synchronization issues occur
- The ability to link or import a category is now behind a single 'Link or Import Category' button, which will present both options. This is done to further distinguish the difference and impact of each action.
- The newly added setting to warn a user when no narrative feedback was provided is now also compatible with feedback given via feedback requests. Before the setting only affected formal feedback.
- Improved the interface when contacting journal owners from the journal overview and assignment analytics pages. It is now possible to deselect one or more journals from the contact list.
- When adding users via share requests, the system will now always show an explicit label for external and test student accounts as '(external)' and '(test student)' behind the name of the user
- Admins can now link an LMS course or programme to any unconnected course or programme within eJournal, previously this required the admin to be enrolled in the respective course or programme
- Users are now required to have the 'can add programme' permission if they wish to connect an LMS course or programme to an eJournal programme. This is in addition to the existing requirement of being enrolled in the eJournal programme and having been granted the permission to manage the respective programme.
- Learning activities now have an updated default cover image (also known as a banner)
- Renamed "expectations" to "standard" in grading schemes "in progress/conform/above standard" and "below/conform/above standard"
- Added the option to direct all Ouriginal teacher-specific emails to one configurable address
- It now displays the submission date of journal submission
- Added message for students to contact supervisors when they cannot undo the submission
- Improved "will lock all journal content" warning
- Submission with low word counts are excluded from the Ouriginal scan
Features & updates:
Minor changes:
- Improved the "you're early" page for LMS assignments that are not yet fully configured
- The requested feedback section was removed from the user and journal dashboard. This was done because we received feedback that its contrast with the received feedback section was perceived as confusing and it was not frequently used. The requested feedback data is still available under the 'Acces & Feedback' tab in the respective journal.
- Added support for the account placement on Canvas
- Importing groups works case insensitive
- You can now search for existing internal users via autocomplete when sharing a journal or evidence. New users (for example those without an institute account) will still have to be added directly via email.
- Added the ability to enable plagiarism on assignment level
- Added a link to the related category information when giving feedback on a subcategory
- Added the ability to copy categories from within the same context (programme, course, or assignment)
- Clarified the difference between linking and importing categories
- Added confirmation when archiving feedback requests
- Added the ability to repeat automatic assignment of reviewers in a peer feedback activity when using groups
- The assignment default rubric can now deviate from the assignment grading scheme
- Made rubrics more prominent for feedback request workflows without categories
- Simplified settings of feedback request workflows without categories
- Improved grading scheme option display in rubrics
- Added the ability to view the overall assessment side-by-side with journal content
- PDF reader is now scrollable instead of paginated
- Added translations to the journal dashboard
- Added the ability to hide the share button for teachers
- Categories can now still be deleted when only test students received feedback for it
- Technical staff can see all courses when viewing a programme
- Added an indication to which programme a category belongs
- Added the ability to export assessment default rubric criteria in assignment export
- Added the ability to export group and members of courses and programs
- Allowed administrators to give and revoke admin access to others
- Improved the timeline icon indications
- Removed the ability to view category information in dashboards as a list
- You can now view the similarity state of evidence when in feedback mode provided you have sufficient access
- You can now directly navigate directly to a user's dashboard or their journals when inspecting a user's name and / or avatar. Before you would always directly navigate to their dashboard.
- Admins can now integrate multiple SURFconext IdPs
- The comment section below journal activities has been expanded to also show reflections and feedback collected via share requests in a dedicated tab. Note that these only show if that specific activities was the only content included for that reflection or share request.
- The buttons to start or share a journal activity have been moved to their respective tabs
- A OTP token now always has to be requested manually. Before we would send a token automatically when visiting some parts of the login screen.
- The homepage, programme, and course TODO deck have been removed. Now, each assignment card will show a 'clock' icon showing the most pressing action instead
- Default to narrative grading scheme when creating personal categories (instead of using the assignment's assesment model's grading scheme when available).
Features & updates:
Minor changes:
- Students can now see the name of the author who gave them formal feedback directly beside the evidence
- Users can now reply directly to feedback request emails (formerly these were sent from noreply@)
- The dashboard color of external users is now pink
- Feedback requests can now only deleted if the reviewer has not yet left any feedback
- Added an indication of the number of criteria in a rubric
- Added a tooltip that explains the synchronisation state of each activity that is used in the rubric of a final assessment
- Added the ability to use a different grading scheme for the overall assessment rubric and final grade
- Added a preview of the default rubric for scheduled activities
Features & updates:
- Improve the ease of starting and editing self-reflections
- Students can now see the default rubric after submitting their entry
- The reviewer and publisher are now visible for students when receiving formal feedback
- Added a bulk overview for plagiarism similarity scores
- Added the ability to specify plagiarism settings per activity
Minor changes:
- Improved navigation warnings when leaving a page with unsaved content
- Feedback requests can now be deleted as long as there is no feedback provided
- Groups with only test students are no longer auto-selected when viewing the journal overview
- Added a specific message when an entry is locked because of a formal assessment
Features & updates:
- Added the ability to filter collection content based on the activity name
- Added the ability to display narrative feedback in category feedback list view
- Improved plagiarism detection workflows
- Improved the stability of collection exports
- Improved the compability of global and course level Brightspace placements
- Usability improvements around collaboration workflows in indvidiual collections
- As a first step towards horizontal grading support, when a teacher navigates between collection using the quick navigation menu we will now auto select the same activity if it's available.
Minor changes:
- Personal and programme categories are now displayed as seperate sources in a collection
- Made the action of sharing an entire collection more explicit, previously users would sometimes share their entire collection where a single activity would suffice.
- As a first step towards reducing the complexity of some of the settings we offer we have grouped and renamed some of our assignment level settings
- Reenabled the ability to convert and submit older entry versions
- Users can no longer remove entry content by removing template fields. So for example when removing a field of a template provided by a programme any content using that template will remain but will have an indicator that that field is archived
Features & updates:
Minor changes:
- Importing groups via spreadsheet or csv file is now available with student emails
- The default text editor can now be used with spelling correction suggestions from your browser
- Added more information about categories whilst giving feedback
- Improved the user experience around deleting and removing specific entry versions from a collection
- Added an indication wether feedback was from a formal or informal source to dashboard list views
Features & updates:
- Improved layout for smaller screens
- Added the ability to add subcategory criteria to rubrics
- Added the ability to export a journal to a PDF
- Added plagiarism detection through Turnitin
- Added the ability to import groups with a spreadsheet or csv file
- Added the ability for teachers to disable category or general feedback by default
- Augmented customisation for instance, programmes, and courses.
- Category feedback is can now also be visualized per subcategories over time
- Students can now add the same entry across multiple journals
- Every user has received a space to create personal journals
- In-app search for users, feedback, comments, and submissions
Minor changes:
- Moved search bar to menu
- Improved the activity details bar
- Improved allocation methods for peer feedback, for example, you can now allocate peer feedback within specific groups
- eJournal now automatically synchronises groups from the LMS when the LMS allows
- Expanded the activity monitor by allowing teachers to see the latest activity as it happens
- Teachers can add feedback instructions for per category level when grader give feedback
- Added an indication of the number of activities in the timeline when filtering
- Added the ability for teachers to reorder category levels
- Added a "my feedback requests" section on the journal overview page
- Teachers can specify the default feedback request expiration dates per layer
- The journal overview page allows filtering on submitted journals and journals that received an overall assessment
- Improved downloading larger files
Features & updates:
Minor changes:
ยถ May 2023: Generic file preview and feedback request workflow
Features & updates:
Minor changes:
- Improved and expanded the selection of adding related activities when requesting feedback
- Improved and expanded the help center
- Improved category spider web analytics: now shows the average per role rather than the development over time
- Added the ability to use formal feedback as a starting point when giving feedback
- Added a download progress indicator
ยถ April 2023: Dashboards and more
Features & updates:
Minor changes:
Features & updates:
- Teachers can now test their course configuration using the test student perspective directly in eJournal
- Quickly switch back to the default rubric when grading submissions
- Export files of specific deadlines for custom grading purposes
- Added the ability to add instructions for graders for journal assessments
- Graders can now attach files to journal assessments
Minor changes:
- Improved accessibility for all users (try using your keyboard to navigate eJournal!)
- Journal overview now remembers the selected page when navigating back from a specific journal
- Added a group column to the journal overview
- Improved documentation for common grade synchronization misconfigurations
- Added the ability to open a journal from the analytics dashboard
- Improved the look and feel of all buttons
- Added and improved translations
- Various visual improvements and other bugfixes
Features & updates:
- Added the ability to reply to comments (comment threads)
- Improved LMS integration to allow for system and user placements
- Added support for displaying 30+ more filetypes in the file viewer
- Added the ability to attach files to an assignment in order to provide additional information
Minor changes:
- Improved the look and feel of activity descriptions and information fields in templates
- Added the ability to remove the LMS button from the login page
- Updated the minimum Safari version to version 14
Bug fixes:
- Added more translations
- Fixed an issue where category selection was not shown
- Removed confusing error messages when grading new activities
- Fixed an issue where "received feedback" button was sometimes missing
ยถ January 2023: Multiple entry versions and audio feedback
Features & updates:
- Added a version history for entries
- Added configurable expiration dates for feedback requests
- Added an indication of unread content
- Added the ability to record audio feedback
- Added support for rubric criterion weights
- Added the ability to define and synchronize user roles for the entire instance
Minor changes:
- Added the ability to view the activity description after an activity has been submitted
- Added an indication whether a journal is submitted for asssessment to the overview
- Admins can now configure which users can create content through LTI
- Added the ability to manually synchronize members with the LMS
- Improved the rubric and feedback form layout (more to come)
- Added and improved in-app tutorials
- Brightspace grades are now always reported as 'fully graded' (LTI)
Bug fixes:
- Improved some Dutch translations
- Fixed an issue where file download buttons would sometimes re-download a previously viewed file
- Fixed an issue where textual feedback could sometimes get duplicated
- Fixed an issue where clicking 'New activity' would close the sidebar
- Fixed an issue where previously retrieved feedback forms would be shown
- Fixed an issue where the display of the template save method options were not always visible
ยถ December 2022: Dutch language support and improved feedback requests
Features & updates:
- Added Dutch language support
- Added the ability to mention users in comments
- Added the ability to import categories (including all corresponding levels and rubrics)
- Added the ability to configure a default grading scheme per template
- Added the ability to share self reflections and feedback activities
- Added the ability to mute courses and assignments
- Added a visualisation of narrative feedback over time to the journal dashboard
- Added the ability to add feedback instructions to rubrics
- Added the ability to quickly navigate from one journal to another by clicking on its name
- The timeline category filter now also applies to feedback activities
- Added the ability to connect a custom LMS
Minor changes:
- Added the ability to create rubrics without any levels
- Improved supported file previews
- Analytics now make use of the related activity name when hovering a datapoint or when inspecting a feedback form
- Allow custom self reflection activity names
- Improved the workflow for adding comments
- Added the ability to archive rubrics
- External users now become internal users when visiting eJournal once via an LMS or SURFconext
- Updated the activity role labels used in analytics, e.g. 'Self' is changed to 'Self-reflection'
- Added an 'on behalf of group' indicator for entries in group assignments
- Added the ability to post teacher entries based on sis id
- Added participation count to admin programme / course overview
- Made it possible for administrators to login as another user from a course or programme overview
- Improved load times for the group api
- Improved the consistency of draft & visibility indicators for feedback forms
- Added the ability for teachers to decide if they would like to send intermediate progress updates to the LMS
- Added notifications for teachers if a student requests access to a not yet setup assignment via their LMS
- Added an indication for groups that are linked to the LMS
- Added support for nonlinear grading schemes (e.g. A+ 90%, B 70% and C 60%)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where text editors sometimes did not load
- Fixed an issue where deadlines where not always ordered chronologically
- Fixed an issue where LMS warnings where not shown
- Fixed an issue where multiple feedback requests created in a row could not have different content
- Fixed an issue where group journal import was not available until at least one journal was created
ยถ November 2022: Grading schemes, category levels and more feedback methods
Features & updates:
- Added descriptive grading schemes (configurable per instance)
- Added mastery levels per category
- Added more feedback methods
- Added category analytics to course and programme dashboards
- Added the ability to import assignment groups
- Added a notification type for feedback submissions
- Added a group journal manager
- Added the ability to upload multiple files in a single content field
- Added the ability to share a direct link to submitted entries with others
Minor changes:
- Added the ability to re-attempt a previously failed grade synchronisation to the LMS
- Added a number field
- Added the ability to change the name of an assignment's assessment model
- Added the ability for teachers to remove an LMS conection from a course or assignment
- Added the ability to grant users permission to create programmes
- Changed the sort order of programme, course and asssignment overviews to alphabetical
- Improved course navigation in admin panel
- Added the ability to synchronise Canvas sections in the background
- Improved LTI role to eJournal role translation
- Improved the display of unsubmitted entry deadlines for teachers
- Added the ability to have more than one test student per course (if the LMS supports this)
- Role names are now case insensitive
- Added the ability to directly reply to the sender of a feedback request via email
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue with table row highlighting on Safari
- Fixed an issue where rubrics where not shown to content developers
- Fixed an issue where drafts did not get their blue background in the timeline
- Fixed some compatibility issues with specific LTI configurations
Improved the support for Brightspace and made it possible to order the timeline.
Features & updates:
- Added the ability to send emails from a custom (institution) domain
- Added the ability to order the timeline based on due or submission date
- Added support for Brightspace
Minor changes:
- Renamed text field to single-line text
- Added a recommendation to reload the current page after the app was updated in the background
- Made breadcrumb more reactive to page navigation
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where input fields of a rubric would not take up the full cell width for users that have the Grammarly extension enabled
This month brings the introduction of a new concept: the programme layer. This is method of grouping multiple courses
(or units of study UoS) whilst still being able to share common resources such as categories.
Features & updates:
Minor changes:
- Added video playback on file upload
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where a comma in the full name of a user could prevent an email from being sent
- Fixed peer feedback activity editor display issues
- Fixed an issue where the late badge would show without additional info
ยถ August 2022: SURFcontext and LTI 1.3
Features & updates:
- Added the ability to login via SURFconext
- Added support for LTI 1.3
- Added support for more LTI placements in the LMS
- Added a share button to quickly share a single entry
Minor changes:
- Improved the location of the registration button
- Added a load spinner to the assessment history
- Improved the styling and interaction of the group save button
- Improved the status indication of reviewers assigned to a peer feedback activity
- Renamed self sign-up in administrator settings
- Added support for line breaks in feedback request messages
- Renamed add template to use template
- Added the ability for admins to resend invite emails to inactive users
- Added a notification for teachers to update a legacy LTI 1.1 connection when possible
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where reviewers were not able to retrieve archived templates
- Fixed an issue where you would the Kaltura instance could not be updated
Features & updates:
- Improved load times for deadline overview and analytics panel
Minor changes:
- Added a banner to the assignment to more clearly convey the publish state of the assignment
- Updated password policy
- Added an information icon to course details
- Improved support for
- Added a shorthand button for creating new entries
- Improved reactivity of the side panel
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where enabling or disabling free form entries would result in an unsaved content warning in the assignment editor
- Fixed an issue where images in rich text content were stretched
- Fixed an issue where multiple 'Please login' messages were displayed
- Fixed an issue with template creation directly from the context of an activity
Released: May 3rd, 2022
We are excited to share our biggest release yet! ๐
Enjoy eJournal's brand-new look & feel, making the experience even more intuitive and seamless for both teachers and students.
You can now close the loop on 360-degree feedback by sharing content with anyone inside or outside of your institution. Flexible, simple and transparent. Define milestones for personal learning goals.
To all co-creators who shared their thoughts and vision with us for this release: many thanks! ๐ We look forward to your insights on our next development cycle which will introduce a layer that can connect multiple courses. Stay tuned!
Features & updates:
- New and improved look & feel!
- Students can now set milestones for personal learning goals
- Keep track of students' progress using the journal analytics dashboard
- Further personalize your environment by using custom cover images
- Share a journal with anyone in- or outside of the platform
- Fully customize your portfolio content
- Grade even faster using the new "mark as completed" button
Minor changes:
- Improved text editor menu layout to work on all screens
- What to know more about some functionality? We have sprinkled the app with help center links
- Improved the (peer) feedback experience
- You can now add new users to your course by using their username and/or email
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where group assignment grades would not properly update
- Fixed an issue where old teacher entry templates would not get loaded
- Fixed an issue where the peer feedback activity would not be preselected in reviewer view
ยถ V1.9.0: Peer feedback & expanded assessment functionalities
Released: January 20th, 2022
This release introduces peer feedback and expanded assessment functionalities.
Features & updates:
- Added peer feedback activities
- Added the ability to add rubrics to entries
Minor changes:
- Improve the performance of all non-journal serialization requests
- Improved the display for maximum uses of template
- Added a setting which allows teachers to stop sending grades to the LMS
- Improved load times for journals
- Improved support for audio playback
- Order journals in a more human friendly way
- Added assignment categories to the assignment start card
Bug fixes:
- Improved the error message of uploading an invalid Kaltura field
- Fixed an issue that resulted in duplicated nodes in the timeline
- Fixed an issue where anonymous names were ignored in the journal filter
- Fixed an issue with the deletion of an assignment
- Fixed an issue where teachers would get a locked banner when not locked
- Fixed an issue which could result in infinite loading times
- Fixed an issue where TA's would be redirected to homepage
- Fixed an issue where template name sometimes was not updated
- Fixed an issue where the timeline kept loading
Technical changes:
- Node structure rework
- Improved the permission system
Released: December 5th, 2021
This release introduces a brand new analytics dashboard that gives you insight in how students are working on their portfolio
assignments. ๐ Track when students submit new work, analyse how grades are distributed and directly contact students
who are behind schedule: a new dimension to learning outcomes opens up.
Our new live template editor makes it easier than ever to create beautiful templates that students can use for their
entries. ๐ Changes to an existing template can be automatically applied to entries that are already using it.
Features & updates:
- Added an analytics dashboard
- Added a Live template editor
- Added a display for possible error messages received from the learning management system
- Improved the template copy and import experience
- Added the ability for students to preview the assessment model
Minor changes:
- Improved loading speed of assignment API requests
- Configured file field to accept all extensions by default
- Added the ability to publish a saved comment
- Reduced the width of the login screen
- Improved the UX for editing entries with slow internet
- Similarly phrase the overall journal assessment action button text to the entry grade actions
- Fixed an issue where colors for to-do indicators were inconsistent
- Improved the category preview in the timeline
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the LMS was not notified of a change in the points possible setting
- Fixed an issue where journal imports could cause errors after source was deleted
- Fixed an issue where description only fields would be displayed as optional
- Fixed an issue where the last edited and creation date of entries could be inaccurate
- Fixed a display issue for the default grade indicator
- Fixed an issue that prevented adding a default category to a template in some situations
- Fixed an issue where login after registration didn't work when changing password mid-request
Technical changes:
- Added query and execution time profilers
- Updated application monitoring structure
Released: September 16th, 2021
This release comes with various quality of life improvements! Determine how often students can make use of a template,
view the original questions whilst grading, drag and drop functionality for the rubric editor, and much more!
Features & updates:
- Added the ability to view entry field descriptions after posting
- Added the ability to preview the assessment history without making changes
- Added drag and drop functionality to the rubric editor
- Added the ability to set a usage limit for a specific template
Minor changes:
- Added start and end dates in manage LTI view
- Added the ability for administrators to also see assignment journals
- Added an image icon to the rich text editor preview
- Improved email style compatibility
- Added a warning message when preset node names get too long
- Improved the consisteny of the entry title display for teachers
- Publishing an overall journal assessment stops other LMS TODO's
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the display of average points would be empty instead of 0
- Fixed an issue where students were not able to immediately submit an empty entry
- Fixed an issue where locked nodes were still displayed as editable
- Fixed an issue which copied archived template category links during assignment import
- Fixed an issue where admins were unable to invite teachers
- Fixed an issue where the "create new journals" button was not center alligned
- Fixed an issue where group journal creation would not yield unique names
- Fixed an issue where grades could get serialized in group assignments
- Fixed an issue that could prevent a rubric update from successfully being saved
Technical changes:
- Reduces query count for user serialization in sentry scope
- Added a time machine so we can time travel
- Temporarily removed non-required function calls in stats serialization to improve performance
ยถ V1.7.0: Expanded assessment methods
Released: July 4th, 2021
This updated introduces new and improved methods for assessment โ๏ธ You can now set up an assessment model for an assignment, use rubrics to assess competences of a journal and enable final submission for portfolio assignments! Enable these features through the assignment editor.
Features & updates:
- Added the ability to submit an entire journal for final assessment
- Added default content setting to template rich text fields
- Added the ability to limit educator journal access to group members only
- Added rubrics and the ability to provide a journal with an overall assessment
Minor changes:
- Added an explanation for when the entry submit button is disabled
- Split assignment editor settings into two parts: details and assessment
- Improved manage course groups user experience
- Improved the speed of publishing all grades
- Added the ability to add a template to a journal by clicking its name, in addition to the add button
- Improved error message when providing a title to an entry while this is not allowed
- Added an indication of optional fields when creating and editing entry content
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where pending comments would sometimes not be published when publishing a grade
- Fixed an issue where the timeline could be hidden upon visiting a journal for the first time
Technical changes:
- Expanded tests
- Improved error monitoring
- Enforced some teacher role permissions
- Removed the needs for unique emails
- Upgraded Python and Django
Released: June 5th, 2021
This update fixes various bugs reported since v1.6.1.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where journal selection for import showed duplicate course dates
- Fixed an issue where the LMS could show a TODO for teachers on entry drafts
- Fixed an issue where an entry was not auto saved directly after a file upload
- Fixed an issue where the comment creation box was hidden
Technical changes:
- Split database models into separate files
Released: May 23, 2021
Entry drafts are now automatically saved. Continue your work right where you left off!
Features & updates:
- Added auto-save for entry drafts
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the timeline could keep loading in some configurations
- Fixed an issue where a login timeout would cause more than one error to be displayed
ยถ V1.6.0: New UI, categories, entry drafts, and much more
Released: May 2nd, 2021
This update introduces a new and improved user interface, drafts for entries and many more exciting new features ๐ Try creating custom categories to gain insight in journal progress at a glance!
Features & updates:
- Added categories which can be used to filter a timeline
- Upgraded the user interface to a modern flat design
- Added drafts for student entries
- Added support for Kaltura video embed
- Added a timeline filter for past deadlines
- Added the ability for students to set a custom entry title
- Added a default template entry grade setting
- Improved the assignment editor
Minor changes:
- Added a preview of student names when joining a group journal
- Added various file handling improvements such as upload indicators
- Improved the default assignment settings
- Improved the speed of posting entries and comments
- Made course member search case insensitive
- Improved URL and YouTube video fields
- Added display names for timeline deadlines and progress goals
- Added support for the Canvas administrator role
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where assignment details could sometimes not be edited
- Fixed an issue where some properties were not included in template import
- Fixed an issue which could prevent an entry from being posted
- Fixed an issue where dropdown menus were off-alligned
- Fixed an issue where some notifications would sometimes not be sent
- Fixed an issue where deleting a deadline prevented the loading of corresponding existing entries
- Fixed an issue where group names could get out of sync with DataNose
- Fixed an issue where templates could be saved untitled
- Fixed various visual interface issues
Technical changes:
- Improved support for LTI test student accounts
- Expanded the list of supported LTI roles
- Reduced query count for serializing permissions
- Update existing email addresses on LTI launch
- Refactored timeline UI selection to pass nodes instead of indices
- Improved the robustness of (teacher) entry crash recovery
- Fixed inconsistent entry title display
- Improved code coverage of test suite
- Added pagination to the user overview in the admin panel
Released: December 3rd, 2020
This update introduces various performance improvements. Additionally, you can now filter notifications by your own course groups and administrative tasks have been made easier through the new admin panel.
Features & updates:
- Added a group filter for notifications
- Added an admin panel for management tasks
Minor changes:
- Restyled inline input fields
- Added an indication of empty entry contents
- Improved loading time of the assignment page
- Improved loading time of the whole platform
- Improved speed and reliability of teacher entries
- Improved the steps for adding deadlines to the timeline
- Added the ability to edit the title of a teacher entry after posting
- Improved performance in various areas
- Added support for the administrator role in Canvas
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where some users still had the default Canvas profile picture
- Fixed an issue where permissions were sometimes not correctly loaded
- Fixed several (performance) issues for teacher entries
- Fixed an issue where templates to import were not correctly retrieved
- Fixed some technical issues
- Fixed an issue where no alert was shown when navigating away from an entry with unsaved changes
- Fixed an issue where digest mails could contain a course even when no notifications were available
- Fixed an issue where import requests could fail when file content was recently updated
Technical changes:
- Moved configuration logic to git submodule
- Improved backend monitoring
- Added a management command to generate variable size courses for performance related testing
- Added restrictions on function length and complexity
ยถ V1.4.0: More notifications, teacher-initiated entries and journal transfer
Released: August 31st, 2020
This update introduces fully configurable notifications and digest settings. Furthermore, students can now request to continue, or use content, from a previous journal in another assignment and teachers can create entries for multiple student journals at once
Features & updates:
- Added configurable email notifications
- Added support for students requesting to continue a journal in another assignment
- Added support for teacher-initiated entries
- Added support for file feedback to entries
- Added the ability to provide additional instructions (no-submission fields) to templates
Minor changes:
- Added a dedicated hyperlink button to the rich text editor
- Assign to for assignments now only shows groups of current course
- Default LMS profile pictures are now ignored
- Added a group filter to the to do section and assignment overview
- Improved the loading speed of the assignment page
- Improved configurability and display of file upload fields
- Moved privacy policy to
- Moved the assignment actions (such as exporting results) to sidebar
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the result of an LMS grade update was ignored
- Fixed a bug when creating group assignments through an LMS
- Fixed an issue where the create new course button was invisible without existing courses
- Fixed an issue where bonus point updates sometimes did not trigger an LMS grade update
- Fixed an issue where assignments were not deleted upon course deletion
- Fixed an issue where administrators would trigger an error when visiting an assignment
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to post an entry before a file upload finished
- Fixed an issue where needs marking badges were hidden
Technical changes:
- Shortened an API URL which contained unused parameters
- Added creation & last updated fields to all database models
- Improved error logs for failed LMS grade updates
- Improved front-end entry handling
- Significantly extended test suite functionality and coverage
Released: April 14th, 2020
This update adds the ability to export assignment results to a spreadsheet and import templates from other assignments.
Features & updates:
- Added the ability to export assignment results
- Added the ability to import templates from other assignments
Minor changes:
- Increased max filename length
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where a bad request response message was not shown
Technical changes:
- Configuration improvements
- Removed old responses code
Released: March 22nd, 2020
This update adds support for group assignments. Enable this during assignment creation or when importing an existing assignment!
Features & updates:
- Added support for group assignments
- Added rich text support for preset node descriptions
Minor changes:
- Increased the file storage limit for teachers
- Improved the usability of the assignment editor
- Improved the built-in PDF reader
- Added a warning message when using unsupported or outdated browsers
- Renamed copy assignment to import assignment
- Updated the guest page with information about using eJournal
- Added the current version number to the footer
- Added a smarter group filter on assignment page
- Added support for semicolon-separated files (which are easier to generate using Microsoft Excel) to the CSV file reader
- Unpublished imported assignments by default
- Added a tooltip indicating password requirements
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a compatibility issue with different encodings while loading CSV files
- Fixed an issue where files could be deleted when updating an entry without changes
- Fixed an issue where links were interpreted as internal if no protocol was specified
- Fixed various user interface bugs
- Fixed an issue where eJournal could not be loaded in the Canvas speedgrader
Technical changes:
- Increased file storage limit for teachers
- Changed timezone
- Improved user file storage
- Updated the rich text editor to TinyMCE v5
- Added UTF-8 support for filenames
Released: February 4th, 2020
This update fixes some issues reported since.
Minor changes:
- Allow underscore as special character in passwords
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue that could cause a 404 when loading an assignment that is linked to multiple courses
- Fixed an issue where notifications wouldn't be sent to some users
Released: February 2nd, 2020
This update allows teachers to show or hide assignments for specific course groups.
Minor changes:
- Added the ability to limit assignments to specific course groups
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a performance issue when scrolling on wide screens in Safari
Released: December 12th, 2019
This update switches the mail host to Mailgun and brings various bug fixes.
Minor changes:
- Made usernames and email addresses case insensitive
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where copy assignment did not set an LTI id
- Fixed an issue where two entries were posted when double-clicking the entry post button
- Fixed an issue where images in rich text fields caused some content to be hidden
Technical changes:
- Improved email sending: we now use Mailgun for automated emails such as deadline reminders
Released: November 22nd, 2019
This update improves the way in which assignments can be copied and brings various bug fixes.
Features & updates:
- Added the ability to copy an assignment and shift deadlines
Minor changes:
- Added indication of technical support languages
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue that could cause fields in an entry to be displayed in incorrect order
- Fixed an issue that caused an error when pressing enter during password recovery
- Fixed an issue where some errors were not properly registered
- Fixed an issue which could cause a 403 error for assignments with multiple LTI connections
- Fixed an issue where LTI wouldn't load with too large parameters
Technical changes:
- Run pytest in parallel
- Capture 4XX error responses in Sentry logs
Released: October 19th, 2019
This update adds support for the Canvas student view (test student), various user experience improvements and several bug fixes.
Features & updates:
- Improved loading experience and added custom loading spinner
- Simplified LTI account setup
- Added support for the Canvas student view
- Improved support functionality
- Added the ability to apply multiple group filters to submissions
Minor changes:
- Added datetime field for templates
- The login button in the header is now hidden while linking a new LMS account
- Improved the to do section
- Different groups in the same course are now allowed to have the same name
- Added a notice when students visit an assignment that a teacher has not yet configured
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where uploaded files could not be replaced
- Fixed an issue where the assignment editor's save button would appear without making changes
- Fixed an issue where LTI groups without a name appeared as IDs
- Fixed an issue where empty nodes were added to a journal when an attachment exceeded the maximum file size
- Fixed a permission issue which would sometimes prevent displaying a correct error page
- Fixed an issue where deadline reminders mentioned an outdated LMS course
- Fixed an issue where course details were uneditable if a course did not contain an LTI assignment
- Fixed an issue where the first ungraded entry was sometimes not autoselected
Technical changes:
- Updated technical dependencies
- Improved error logging and feedback by use of Sentry
ยถ V1.2.0: Quicker grading and simpler assignment management
Released: September 15th, 2019
This update adds support for copying assignments from other courses, an improved assignment editor, history of given grades, better Safari support and various other improvements and bug fixes.
Features & updates:
- Added grade history
- Improved assignment editor and template structure
- Added the ability to copy existing assignments
- Improved grading speed
- Improved LTI connections
Minor changes:
- Increased the maximum file upload size for attachments
- Increased session length to prevent automatic logout when editing entries
- Included bonus points in progress goals
- Separated preset creation and modification in the assignment editor
- Added Canvas Speedgrader support
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where reminder emails for upcoming deadlines were sometimes not sent
- Fixed an issue where the next and previous journal buttons did not appear
- Fixed an issue where the title of a modal was invisible
- Fixed an issue where optional file upload fields would still be required
- Fixed an issue which prevented Safari users from logging in
- Fixed an issue where comments sometimes did not match the entry being viewed
Technical changes:
- Changed front end linter
- Improved web request handling
- Upgraded to the latest version of Webpack using Vuecli 3
- Reduced deploy time
Released: April 19th, 2019
This update adds support for multiple groups per user, various general improvements and a new logo.
Features & updates:
- Added support for multiple groups per user
- Updated logo and favicon
- Added changelog for new releases
Minor changes:
- Added the ability for teachers to edit and remove comments from TAs
- Added unlock* due* and lock dates for preset entries
- Added name of node to the timeline
- Added privacy notice to login and profile page
- Added a placeholder page when maintenance takes place
- Only show available dates in date pickers
Bug fixes:
- Fixed wrong size of sandboxed iframes
- Fixed deployment issues
- Fixed an issue where the grade section could overlap with entry timestamp
- Fixed an issue where the comment send button sometimes had to be clicked twice
ยถ V1.0.0: Deadline reminders and bonus points
Released: March 12th, 2019
This update brings a complete redesign of the user interface, and students now automatically receive reminders for unfinished upcoming deadlines via email.
Features & updates:
- Improved user interface
- Added upcoming deadline notifications
- Added automated system configuration by Ansible
- Added styling to automated emails
- Added bonus points
- Added rich tech description to template fields
- Added new testing framework
Minor changes:
- Updated bootstrap version
- Added sort by points option
- Moved delete course button
- Improved LTI launch speed
- Added send text to comment button
- Updated dependencies
- Only support full names
- Improved entry handling between assignment due and lock date
- Set default deadline time at 23:59
Bug fixes:
- Fixed compatibility issues with rich text editors
- Fixed an issue where comments did not update when viewing a different entry
- Fixed an issue where students could not navigate to the current assignment via the breadcrumb